March 28, 2007

Real Beauty?

After years of yo-yo dieting and failed New Year's resolutions to go to the gym, I have come to the conclusion that it is all pointless. Countless experts keep reiterating that not everyone has the body type of a Giselle or Naomi. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and one should not be too critical of the less than firm-somewhat-wide-hips or what I affectionally call " the tire"(the especially resilliant bit of pudge located @ the midsection) because we all have our little imperfections.
Case and point, Dove's campaing for "real" beauty which includes a line of anti-cellulite (usually dubbed "firming" creams) products for the "real" women to whom they feed contradictory messages... We want you to love yourself but buy our cream it will get rid of those unsightly bumps in ten days!...
Were we not supposed to embrace the bumps? Aren't they "real"??
Clever marketing...backhanded compliment...Who knows...
I think Naomi and Giselle are as "real" as any one of us(Have you seen Naomi's feet??) the only difference is that we usually see them after four hours of hair and makeup and a stylist has picked out an outfit from their closet full of designer freebies, or completely airbrushed on a magazine cover ...
The March 21 st article by Meg at is excellent and discusses the subject further... Tell me what you guys think...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.