March 19, 2007

Beauty Must Have...

I got this e-mail a few weeks ago and tought I should share the wealth...

Hi doll,

How are you? Okay so here's another beauty must have that I've recently discovered and completely swear by! Benefit Lemon-aid. It's seriously amazing. Here's the product description:
"It's a lazy day makeover for your eyes! Not a concealer, but a soft yellow correcting cream that helps redness and discoloration on eyelids disappear, giving you a younger, fresher, healthier appearance. Your eyes will look and feel so great you may ask yourself "do I even need eye makeup today?"
Tips and tricks: Swirl your finger in lemon aid to warm the product. Apply two dots on your eyelid and one in the center of your brow bone. Pat to blend in an upward and outward motion. Need more coverage? Add another layer."
Seriously Kat, this is a must-have. That's all I wear on my eyes these days and it opens my eyes even better than eye shadow! You can get it at Sephora or directly from the Benefit website. Buy it today! (Haha, I sound like a cheesy infomercial)

There you go ladies, the solution to all your morning after woes...the puffy, irritated lids that say to your coworkers "Yes I did pass my four martini quota last night"...

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